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Trauma Sensitive Yoga

APT Services Ltd offers Trauma Sensitive Yoga, which has been proven as a successful adjunctive treatment for those struggling with PTSD and complex trauma. We are ACC-approved and use evidence-based techniques that have been researched and honed for decades to relieve those who have experienced trauma. 


In addressing PTSD, individuals need to learn that the sensations they experience are tolerable, find acceptance in their internal experience and develop alternative strategies to manage distress.  The dysregulation associated with early childhood trauma is primarily body-based, and through focusing one’s attention on breathing and sensations in the present moment, people can identify or notice the connection between their emotions and their body. Noticing this connection and increasing interoception while reducing PTSD symptoms supports regulation rather than ignoring one’s internal state. 


Additionally, in yoga, you become aware of sensations rising and falling rather than being stuck in a frozen state – the end of discomfort can be anticipated and is transitory.  Key concepts in TCTSY are Practice Making Choices, Present Moment Experience, Taking Effective Action and Creating Rhythms/Predictability (Emerson, D. 2015; Van Der Kolk, B. 2014).

47 Whiteleigh Ave 


Christchurch 8024



  • 0273148194

  • 03 3764640




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